Friday, January 20, 2023

3 additional benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

3 additional benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

Please refer to me earlier blog post. In that post, I covered four key benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business. In this blog post, I am covering additional three benefits.

Upload new photos & videos regularly: Photos draw attention, and we like photos. Upload new photos regularly. 

Kindly think of the following while taking the photos - lighting, angle, device and backdrop. 

Further, also consider what are you emphasising on - activity, brand, team members, stakeholders. While taking photos capture the GPS location which is helpful.

Answer questions regularly (Q&A): Every Google My Business page has a questions and answers section. 

Anyone can ask a question on any topic. Ask your own questions, that your stakeholders might want to ask or have been asking you on phone or during personal interactions. 

Please answer those questions and provide additional information, as needed. These questions would give you an insight on what stakeholders are thinking. Engage with your stakeholders using Q&A. 

Kindly see below a screenshot of a Q&A section picked up from internet for an NGO.

Google My Business Question and Answer Screen Shot

Post regularly: Posts appear on the knowledge panel, which is on the right hand side of the search results.

These are critical. These are basically of following types - updates, events, and offers. 

Any update is  like any social media update having a photo and its brief description. You have to be really innovative to leverage this feature. Events are straightforward. Take a photo of the event and post it like a social media feed. 

Offers may not be relevant for you so we'll not talk about it.

Conclusion: Please set monthly goals.

Please set monthly goals for photos to be uploaded, questions to be answered, reviews to be replied, post to be added to drive engagement with your stakeholders using Google My Business (now called Google Business Profile). And Google search engine will take a positive note of the above efforts.

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