Wednesday, January 25, 2023

English Clubs Reinforce Dominance Over Football Riches

 English Clubs Reinforce Dominance Over Football Riches [Top 10]


The 26th edition of the Deloitte Football Money League was just released. It reveals the top 20 highest revenue generating football clubs for the 2021/22 season. 

Key points:

  • Revenue growth in the 2021/22 season was driven by the return of fans to stadia.

  • For the first time, Premier League clubs make up more than half of the Money League top 20 (eleven of 20);

  • Manchester City retains its spot at the top of the Money League with revenues of €731m, followed by Real Madrid with revenues of €714m;

  • Liverpool rises four places to third (€702m), its highest position in the publication’s history.

The top clubs:

For the second year running, Manchester City has topped the Money League (€731m total revenue), followed by Real Madrid (€714m), Liverpool (€702m), Manchester United (€689m) and Paris Saint-Germain (€654m).

My visualisation shows the revenue of the top 10 clubs. 

English Clubs Reinforce Dominance Over Football Riches
Top 10 English clubs

For the full report, please click here.

Friday, January 20, 2023

3 additional benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

3 additional benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

Please refer to me earlier blog post. In that post, I covered four key benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business. In this blog post, I am covering additional three benefits.

Upload new photos & videos regularly: Photos draw attention, and we like photos. Upload new photos regularly. 

Kindly think of the following while taking the photos - lighting, angle, device and backdrop. 

Further, also consider what are you emphasising on - activity, brand, team members, stakeholders. While taking photos capture the GPS location which is helpful.

Answer questions regularly (Q&A): Every Google My Business page has a questions and answers section. 

Anyone can ask a question on any topic. Ask your own questions, that your stakeholders might want to ask or have been asking you on phone or during personal interactions. 

Please answer those questions and provide additional information, as needed. These questions would give you an insight on what stakeholders are thinking. Engage with your stakeholders using Q&A. 

Kindly see below a screenshot of a Q&A section picked up from internet for an NGO.

Google My Business Question and Answer Screen Shot

Post regularly: Posts appear on the knowledge panel, which is on the right hand side of the search results.

These are critical. These are basically of following types - updates, events, and offers. 

Any update is  like any social media update having a photo and its brief description. You have to be really innovative to leverage this feature. Events are straightforward. Take a photo of the event and post it like a social media feed. 

Offers may not be relevant for you so we'll not talk about it.

Conclusion: Please set monthly goals.

Please set monthly goals for photos to be uploaded, questions to be answered, reviews to be replied, post to be added to drive engagement with your stakeholders using Google My Business (now called Google Business Profile). And Google search engine will take a positive note of the above efforts.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

4 key benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

 4 key benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

The 4 key benefits

If you're not listed on Google My Business (GMB) already, here are the four key benefits of the listing on Google My Business (GMB). Google My Business is now called Google Business Profile. 

4 key Benefits of listing your NGO on Google My Business

The online listing is beneficial, especially for small NGOs that have a physical location around which they do their social activities. A community centre for example. For the URL for GMB is click on GMB website.

1. Visibility: This is useful specifically for small NGOs that need visibility.

After listing on Google My Business and when your NGO is searched online;  Google will display your NGO on Google Search and Google Maps. Your NGO will be listed at the top of search results. 
Further, if someone is searching for a local NGO, without specifying any name, on Google search or on Google maps; there is a good chance that your NGO will show up as local listing.

2. Your Telephone number: Your NGO can be called from search results from a mobile phone without the trouble of finding your telephone number from your website and then typing the number and calling.

More than 50% of on-line searches happen on mobile phones. After listing on Google My Business and searching for your NGO; the mobile search results page, provides a button to call ( call to action ) your NGO. Phone calls are thus facilitated by Google. Your NGO is just a phone call away!

3. Directions. Location of your NGO will be shown on the Google map once your name is displayed on the search result. 

This allows the interested person in finding your exact location, or reaching to your location. 

4. Reviews: This is a great way to engage with your audience.

This is another great feature that allows you to interact and engage with on-line visitors and look at their review comments and respond appropriately.

There are other benefits as well, such as uploading photos, linking to your social accounts and your website.

Once you set out to create your profile on Google My Business; you will be creating your profile on Google My Business in five easy steps. This will not take more than five minutes. 

But you need to have a Google account for going ahead with this registration. If you do not have one, you may want to create a Google account. 

Google will then validate your online account either by posting a letter to your physical address or through a phone call or an email. That’s it.

The next part of the process is, managing and optimising your profile. This can be done later. I will cover that in my next post.