Wednesday, March 1, 2023

CSR Data from from Business Responsibility Report

CSR data from Business Responsibility Report (BRR)


CSR data was read from the BR reports in XML and XBRL formats for year 2021-22 using a Python script. The IT companies covered were MindTree, Infosys and HCL - all leaders in sustainability and CSR work.

CSR projects

MindTree provided information on all its projects. The information contained names of NGOs, brief description on projects and counts of beneficiaries. Some companies do not mention names of NGOs. The last column is count of beneficiaries.

MindTree CSR Projects

Company NGO Project Value
0 MT CURE India Clubfoot treatment for new-born Children 400
1 MT SPASTN Reaching inclusive educationand comprehensiverehabilitation to the doorstep 62
2 MT APD Reaching inclusive educationand comprehensiverehabilitation to the doorstep 178
3 MT AMBA Job-Oriented Training ofIntellectually Disabled Youthsfor Employment 200
4 MT Sparsh Foundation Early Corrective Surgeries 29
5 MT Centurion University Skill Development trainingfor hearing and speechimpaired youths 60
6 MT Goonj Medical Support for Missed-Out Communities (Leprosy,Trans-genders, HIV patientsetc.) 2000
7 MT IDL Education Continuity Supportfor Visually Impaired Children 50
8 MT BMST Thalassemia disabled people –blood transfusions support 50
9 MT Bal Bhavan Disabled Friendly Park 0
10 MT Mindtree - NCPEDP Helen KellerAwards None 15
11 MT SSK Literacy Enhancement 280
12 MT Gubbachi Transform FoundationalLearning 90
13 MT Dream to Reality (D2R) None 22
14 MT Agastya Home Lab Kit 8000
15 MT Sikshana Foundation Sikshana @ Home 141966
16 MT BRDO Yuva Jyoti 957
17 MT Goonj Not Just Piece of Cloth(NJPC) 2500
18 MT Mindtree - OxyBus None 107
19 MT SankalpTaru MyTree Mindtree 5000
20 MT Olympics Gold Quest Paralympics Support 10
21 MT National Agro Foundation Integrated WatershedCommunity Development Program(IWCDP) 2001


Infosys and HCL, each provided total beneficiaries count. MindTree provided beneficiaries count per project. So I added all the beneficiaries to arrive at a total beneficiaries count. Interestingly beneficiaries count is not available in PDF report of HCL.

Beneficiaries Bar Chart

A bar chart showing number of beneficiaries of Corporate Social Responsibility programs of 3 leading Indian IT companies
Number of beneficiaries by company

Aspirational Districts

About Aspirational Districts

Launched in January 2018, the Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) aims to quickly and effectively transform 112 most under-developed districts across India. The progress is measured across 49 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) under 5 broad socio-economic themes - Health and Nutrition, Education, Agriculture and Water Resources, Financial Inclusion and Skill Development and Infrastructure. Please click NITI Ayog webpage to know more about the programme from the website of NITI Aayog.

Spend on Aspirational Districts - Data Table

A table showing number of CSR beneficiaries by States and Districts in India
CSR spend in INR by states and districts in India

Aspirational Districts - Bar Chart of total spend

Please see the chart below.

A bar chart showing CSR spend in INR on aspirational districts in India - an important metric
CSR spend in INR on aspirational districts - an important metric for government of India

Aspirational Districts - Interactive Locations Map

Please click on the map link to see the interactive locations map.

The green markers represent locations of Infosys. Blue markers represent HCL locations. If you click a marker, you will see the name of the district.

Total spend on CSR projects

The information on total spend was not available.


The numerical CSR data that was pulled from BRR report in XML format was shown above and was very insightful. Textual information was also available to be read and captured.

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