Sunday, July 19, 2020

World population map with GeoPandas

World population map with GeoPandas

Today I had decided to plot my first plot using GeoPandas; and I am glad I could do it today.

Below is the plot of world-population. But the plot is not that important.

What is important is how I got to this point. After attaining some momentum with pandas almost six months ago; I could not do much with GeoPandas. The reason was when I downloaded GeoPandas; it also loaded it dependencies and disturbed by existing packages in Anaconda distribution on my Windows laptop. So I had to remove GeoPandas.

The solution, I understood, needed multiple separate environments. That is done by installing virtual environments. Here was where I lost the momentum.

The options to install virtual environments are many; and that needed me to understood what was relevant for me. Finally I figured that out today.

I opted to install the needed virtual environment using Anaconda GUI. I loaded the necessary packages. I was not clear what happens to the IDE. It also installed on its own.

I now hope to build on what I have learned today!

World population map with GeoPandas
World population map with GeoPandas

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