Saturday, July 25, 2020

Where are IITs located?

With new Indian Institues of Technology (IITs) set up; I was keen to know their locations. 

Here is plot that shows their locations. 

I created the dataset. Using pandas and geopands I plotted this figure. 

It was good learning. I could set their colors differently as I wanted. 

This was intended but the map shows an interesting pattern. Most of the IITs are in Northern India. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

plot showing population of Rajasthan India districtwise using geopandas

A geopandas chart showing population of Rajasthan India district wise
A geopandas chart showing population of Rajasthan India district wise
I had the shape file of state of Rajasthan in India. The next step was to create a  virtual environment for geo Pandas on my Anaconda distribution on windows laptop. 

I did that. 

Once I had the set up and data, I plotted the population of the state. Geo Pandas made it really easy to plot the geo data and associated properties. 

I am looking forward to working on more geo Pandas plots. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

World population map with GeoPandas

World population map with GeoPandas

Today I had decided to plot my first plot using GeoPandas; and I am glad I could do it today.

Below is the plot of world-population. But the plot is not that important.

What is important is how I got to this point. After attaining some momentum with pandas almost six months ago; I could not do much with GeoPandas. The reason was when I downloaded GeoPandas; it also loaded it dependencies and disturbed by existing packages in Anaconda distribution on my Windows laptop. So I had to remove GeoPandas.

The solution, I understood, needed multiple separate environments. That is done by installing virtual environments. Here was where I lost the momentum.

The options to install virtual environments are many; and that needed me to understood what was relevant for me. Finally I figured that out today.

I opted to install the needed virtual environment using Anaconda GUI. I loaded the necessary packages. I was not clear what happens to the IDE. It also installed on its own.

I now hope to build on what I have learned today!

World population map with GeoPandas
World population map with GeoPandas