Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sankey Diagram

Sankey diagrams are a type of flow diagram in which the width of the arrows or bands is proportional to the flow rate. 

Above is the diagram of three mutual fund houses, their types of mutual funds and where they invest namely large caps, mid caps, small caps equities debt. 

As against a table or numbers the Sankey diagrams help understand the data. 

The Sankey diagram is my first plot made using plotly and Jupyter notebook. 

#Sankey diagrams emphasize the major transfers or flows within a system. 


Aakash Mahajani said...

This graph is impressive and very simple to understand! Good work!

kirams said...

This is good representation to perform portfolio analysis. However, it will get more visually complex for funds more than 5

kirams said...

This is good representation to perform portfolio analysis. However, it will get more visually complex for funds more than 5

Anand said...

Yes. Please send me data set without personal information. I will analyze.