Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mutual Funds Performance

The diagram shows two sub plots. The left subplot shows the 5 large cap funds by their names ans assets (AUM) in rupees crores.
One way to judge a fund is by its AUM. The AUM has grown because investors have invested money it. The large AUM may overcome the sudden withdrawals by investors. 
But this is not the only way to evaluate performance of a fund. 
So on the right hand side I have plotted another chart indicating the performance (returns) of the fund over last 10 years for the regular scheme. All funds have given a return in excess of 10 per cent. 
10 years may be a good indicator to judge the performance. 
However both the parameters together may not be sufficient to evaluate performance of funds. There are other factors as well that are not considered in this post.

The data has been analyzed and plotted using Python3 and pandas. 
This time I imported .xls file in to pandas for analysis. 
The source of the data is

Disclaimer: This post is not a suggestion or advice to invest in any particular mutual fund. Please contact your investor advisor for it. 


kirams said...

One more parameter to compare is inception date. The older the fund, chances are they gather more aum over the period of time.

Rolling returns give a better perspective than point to point returns

Anand said...

Good point.