Friday, August 17, 2018

Topic-Sub-total in Excel

Topic-Sub-total in Excel

Do you do subtotals of numbers having categories? Please see the example below.

Let us say you have two stores namely store A and store B. And you want to do sum of store sales and also the total sum. Please see the screen clip below. If you use SUM formula for sub-totalling and also for totalling you get a result that is not the correct number. In fact, it sums two times. 

The problem can be overcome by using the function called sub-total to sum up. When you do that, you are asked to choose the code. Since we want to sum up within sub-total function, we will use code 9 for sum. Please see the screen clip below. 

For doing the total (or total of total) use sub-total only. Now you get the correct total. It works even if you add more entries. It works in Google Sheets as well in LibreOffice Calc

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