Monday, October 26, 2020

Economic Times Top 10 companies


To scrape the web,

to get the table,

of Economic Times

2019 Top 10 Companies

  • Let us download,
  • the necessary libraries.
In [43]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import lxml
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
  • The link address is:link

Using URL open and
reading the URL using BeautifulSoup failed.
The error was
HTTP Error: Forbidden

  • So I tried the following.
In [ ]:
site= ""
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
req = Request(site,headers=hdr)
page = urlopen(req)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
  • Let us test


The output was:

<title>ET 500 Company List - List of Top Companies in India 2019 | Economic Times ET500</title>

  • It worked.

*Find table rows

In [ ]:
rows = soup.find_all('tr')

[<tr class="table_head"><th colspan="2">Rank</th><th rowspan="2">Company Name</th><th rowspan="2">Market Cap <br/> (Rs. Cr)</th><th rowspan="2">Revenue <br/> Change%</th><th rowspan="2">PAT <br/> Change%</th></tr>, <tr class="table_head"><th>2019</th><th>2018</th></tr>, <tr class="data light"><td class="Rnk1 textC">1</td><td class="Rnk2 textC">2</td><td class="comp"><a class="etcmpnylist" href="/stocks/companyid-13215.cms" target="_blank" title="Reliance Industries Ltd.">Reliance Industries Ltd.</a></td><td class="textR">949,280.41</td><td class="textR">43.36</td><td class="textR">9.74</td></tr>]

  • From Table rows let us look at table data items
In [ ]:
list_rows = []
for row in rows:
    row_td = row.find_all('td')
    str_cells = str(row_td)
    cleantext = BeautifulSoup(str_cells,'lxml').getText()
    list_rows.append(cleantext) # WORKS


 '[1, 2, Reliance Industries Ltd., 949,280.41, 43.36, 9.74]',
 '[2, 1, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., 125,768.47, 24.99, -21.69]',
 '[3, 3, Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., 172,135.97, 29.97, 37.95]',
 '[4, 4, State Bank of India, 290,140.98, 7.88, LP]',
 '[5, 5, Tata Motors Ltd., 48,588.33, 2.06, PL]',
 '[6, 6, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 111,550.97, 26.10, -13.39]',
 '[7, 7, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 45,237.26, 24.94, -7.31]',
 '[8, 8, Rajesh Exports Ltd., 20,200.00, -6.35, 2.08]',
 '[9, 9, Tata Steel Ltd., 45,758.52, 15.42, -23.94]',
 '[10, 10, Coal India Ltd., 126,223.50, 14.04, 148.09]']
  • Now let us prpare the dataframe
In [ ]:
df = pd.DataFrame(list_rows)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
df1 = df.loc[2:]
In [ ]:
df2 = df1[0].str.split(',',expand=True)
In [ ]:
df2[0] = df2[0].str.strip('[')
df2[6] = df2[6].str.strip(']')
In [ ]:
df2[7]=df2[3]+df2[4] # Join 
df3 = df2.drop([3,4],axis=1)
df3 = df3[[0,1,2,7,5,6]] 

The column containing market capitalisation had a ',' in its numbers.

While splitting the data frame df1, the column with market capitalization also split inadvertently.

The number was split in to two columns 3 & 4.

So the two columns were joined in col no 7.

Later dropped columns 3 and 4. And rearranged columns sequence in df3.

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
df3_md = df3.to_markdown()
In [42]:
|    |   0 |   1 | 2                                    |        7 |     5 | 6      |
|  2 |   1 |   2 | Reliance Industries Ltd.             | 949280   | 43.36 | 9.74   |
|  3 |   2 |   1 | Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.          | 125768   | 24.99 | -21.69 |
|  4 |   3 |   3 | Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. | 172136   | 29.97 | 37.95  |
|  5 |   4 |   4 | State Bank of India                  | 290141   |  7.88 | LP     |
|  6 |   5 |   5 | Tata Motors Ltd.                     |  48588.3 |  2.06 | PL     |
|  7 |   6 |   6 | Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.    | 111551   | 26.1  | -13.39 |
|  8 |   7 |   7 | Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. |  45237.3 | 24.94 | -7.31  |
|  9 |   8 |   8 | Rajesh Exports Ltd.                  |  20200   | -6.35 | 2.08   |
| 10 |   9 |   9 | Tata Steel Ltd.                      |  45758.5 | 15.42 | -23.94 |
| 11 |  10 |  10 | Coal India Ltd.                      | 126224   | 14.04 | 148.09 |

Columns to be Renamed

In [ ]:
df3.rename(columns = {0:'Rank2019',
           2:' Company Name',
           7:' Market Cap  (Rs. Cr)',
           5:' Revenue  Change%',
           6:' PAT  Change%'},
           inplace = True)
In [40]:
Rank2019 Rank2018 Company Name Market Cap (Rs. Cr) Revenue Change% PAT Change%
2 1 2 Reliance Industries Ltd. 949280.41 43.36 9.74
3 2 1 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 125768.47 24.99 -21.69
4 3 3 Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 172135.97 29.97 37.95

Now let us get the table header.

In [ ]:
col_labels = soup.find_all('th')
all_header = []
col_str = str(col_labels)
cleantext2 = BeautifulSoup(col_str,'lxml').get_text()
In [ ]:
dfh1 = pd.DataFrame(all_header)    
dfh2 = dfh1[0].str.split(',',expand=True)
In [ ]:
dfh2[0] = dfh2[0].str.strip('[')
dfh2[6] = dfh2[6].str.strip(']')
In [ ]:
dfh_a = dfh2.drop([5,6],axis=1) 
dfh_a.columns = dfh_a.iloc[0] # Add column names. 
dfh_a.insert(1,'Rank2018','Rank2018',True) # Add a column. 
dfh_a.rename(columns = {'Rank' : 'Rank2019'}, inplace = True)
In [ ]:
frames = [dfh_a,df3]
df4 = pd.concat(frames)
In [39]:
df5 = df4.drop(0)
Rank2019 Rank2018 Company Name Market Cap (Rs. Cr) Revenue Change% PAT Change%
2 1 2 Reliance Industries Ltd. 949280.41 43.36 9.74
3 2 1 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 125768.47 24.99 -21.69
4 3 3 Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 172135.97 29.97 37.95
5 4 4 State Bank of India 290140.98 7.88 LP
6 5 5 Tata Motors Ltd. 48588.33 2.06 PL
7 6 6 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 111550.97 26.10 -13.39
8 7 7 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 45237.26 24.94 -7.31
9 8 8 Rajesh Exports Ltd. 20200.00 -6.35 2.08
10 9 9 Tata Steel Ltd. 45758.52 15.42 -23.94
11 10 10 Coal India Ltd. 126223.50 14.04 148.09
In [ ]:
df5_md = df5.to_markdown()
In [41]:
|    |   Rank2019 |   Rank2018 |  Company Name                        |    Market Cap  (Rs. Cr) |    Revenue  Change% |  PAT  Change%   |
|  2 |          1 |          2 | Reliance Industries Ltd.             |                949280   |               43.36 | 9.74            |
|  3 |          2 |          1 | Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.          |                125768   |               24.99 | -21.69          |
|  4 |          3 |          3 | Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. |                172136   |               29.97 | 37.95           |
|  5 |          4 |          4 | State Bank of India                  |                290141   |                7.88 | LP              |
|  6 |          5 |          5 | Tata Motors Ltd.                     |                 48588.3 |                2.06 | PL              |
|  7 |          6 |          6 | Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.    |                111551   |               26.1  | -13.39          |
|  8 |          7 |          7 | Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. |                 45237.3 |               24.94 | -7.31           |
|  9 |          8 |          8 | Rajesh Exports Ltd.                  |                 20200   |               -6.35 | 2.08            |
| 10 |          9 |          9 | Tata Steel Ltd.                      |                 45758.5 |               15.42 | -23.94          |
| 11 |         10 |         10 | Coal India Ltd.                      |                126224   |               14.04 | 148.09          |

So we got the table we wanted

It may be done in more efficient ways, but this is my first such attempt on my own.