Monday, October 26, 2020

Economic Times Top 10 companies


To scrape the web,

to get the table,

of Economic Times

2019 Top 10 Companies

  • Let us download,
  • the necessary libraries.
In [43]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import lxml
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
  • The link address is:link

Using URL open and
reading the URL using BeautifulSoup failed.
The error was
HTTP Error: Forbidden

  • So I tried the following.
In [ ]:
site= ""
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
req = Request(site,headers=hdr)
page = urlopen(req)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
  • Let us test


The output was:

<title>ET 500 Company List - List of Top Companies in India 2019 | Economic Times ET500</title>

  • It worked.

*Find table rows

In [ ]:
rows = soup.find_all('tr')

[<tr class="table_head"><th colspan="2">Rank</th><th rowspan="2">Company Name</th><th rowspan="2">Market Cap <br/> (Rs. Cr)</th><th rowspan="2">Revenue <br/> Change%</th><th rowspan="2">PAT <br/> Change%</th></tr>, <tr class="table_head"><th>2019</th><th>2018</th></tr>, <tr class="data light"><td class="Rnk1 textC">1</td><td class="Rnk2 textC">2</td><td class="comp"><a class="etcmpnylist" href="/stocks/companyid-13215.cms" target="_blank" title="Reliance Industries Ltd.">Reliance Industries Ltd.</a></td><td class="textR">949,280.41</td><td class="textR">43.36</td><td class="textR">9.74</td></tr>]

  • From Table rows let us look at table data items
In [ ]:
list_rows = []
for row in rows:
    row_td = row.find_all('td')
    str_cells = str(row_td)
    cleantext = BeautifulSoup(str_cells,'lxml').getText()
    list_rows.append(cleantext) # WORKS


 '[1, 2, Reliance Industries Ltd., 949,280.41, 43.36, 9.74]',
 '[2, 1, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., 125,768.47, 24.99, -21.69]',
 '[3, 3, Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., 172,135.97, 29.97, 37.95]',
 '[4, 4, State Bank of India, 290,140.98, 7.88, LP]',
 '[5, 5, Tata Motors Ltd., 48,588.33, 2.06, PL]',
 '[6, 6, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 111,550.97, 26.10, -13.39]',
 '[7, 7, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 45,237.26, 24.94, -7.31]',
 '[8, 8, Rajesh Exports Ltd., 20,200.00, -6.35, 2.08]',
 '[9, 9, Tata Steel Ltd., 45,758.52, 15.42, -23.94]',
 '[10, 10, Coal India Ltd., 126,223.50, 14.04, 148.09]']
  • Now let us prpare the dataframe
In [ ]:
df = pd.DataFrame(list_rows)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
df1 = df.loc[2:]
In [ ]:
df2 = df1[0].str.split(',',expand=True)
In [ ]:
df2[0] = df2[0].str.strip('[')
df2[6] = df2[6].str.strip(']')
In [ ]:
df2[7]=df2[3]+df2[4] # Join 
df3 = df2.drop([3,4],axis=1)
df3 = df3[[0,1,2,7,5,6]] 

The column containing market capitalisation had a ',' in its numbers.

While splitting the data frame df1, the column with market capitalization also split inadvertently.

The number was split in to two columns 3 & 4.

So the two columns were joined in col no 7.

Later dropped columns 3 and 4. And rearranged columns sequence in df3.

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
df3_md = df3.to_markdown()
In [42]:
|    |   0 |   1 | 2                                    |        7 |     5 | 6      |
|  2 |   1 |   2 | Reliance Industries Ltd.             | 949280   | 43.36 | 9.74   |
|  3 |   2 |   1 | Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.          | 125768   | 24.99 | -21.69 |
|  4 |   3 |   3 | Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. | 172136   | 29.97 | 37.95  |
|  5 |   4 |   4 | State Bank of India                  | 290141   |  7.88 | LP     |
|  6 |   5 |   5 | Tata Motors Ltd.                     |  48588.3 |  2.06 | PL     |
|  7 |   6 |   6 | Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.    | 111551   | 26.1  | -13.39 |
|  8 |   7 |   7 | Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. |  45237.3 | 24.94 | -7.31  |
|  9 |   8 |   8 | Rajesh Exports Ltd.                  |  20200   | -6.35 | 2.08   |
| 10 |   9 |   9 | Tata Steel Ltd.                      |  45758.5 | 15.42 | -23.94 |
| 11 |  10 |  10 | Coal India Ltd.                      | 126224   | 14.04 | 148.09 |

Columns to be Renamed

In [ ]:
df3.rename(columns = {0:'Rank2019',
           2:' Company Name',
           7:' Market Cap  (Rs. Cr)',
           5:' Revenue  Change%',
           6:' PAT  Change%'},
           inplace = True)
In [40]:
Rank2019 Rank2018 Company Name Market Cap (Rs. Cr) Revenue Change% PAT Change%
2 1 2 Reliance Industries Ltd. 949280.41 43.36 9.74
3 2 1 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 125768.47 24.99 -21.69
4 3 3 Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 172135.97 29.97 37.95

Now let us get the table header.

In [ ]:
col_labels = soup.find_all('th')
all_header = []
col_str = str(col_labels)
cleantext2 = BeautifulSoup(col_str,'lxml').get_text()
In [ ]:
dfh1 = pd.DataFrame(all_header)    
dfh2 = dfh1[0].str.split(',',expand=True)
In [ ]:
dfh2[0] = dfh2[0].str.strip('[')
dfh2[6] = dfh2[6].str.strip(']')
In [ ]:
dfh_a = dfh2.drop([5,6],axis=1) 
dfh_a.columns = dfh_a.iloc[0] # Add column names. 
dfh_a.insert(1,'Rank2018','Rank2018',True) # Add a column. 
dfh_a.rename(columns = {'Rank' : 'Rank2019'}, inplace = True)
In [ ]:
frames = [dfh_a,df3]
df4 = pd.concat(frames)
In [39]:
df5 = df4.drop(0)
Rank2019 Rank2018 Company Name Market Cap (Rs. Cr) Revenue Change% PAT Change%
2 1 2 Reliance Industries Ltd. 949280.41 43.36 9.74
3 2 1 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 125768.47 24.99 -21.69
4 3 3 Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 172135.97 29.97 37.95
5 4 4 State Bank of India 290140.98 7.88 LP
6 5 5 Tata Motors Ltd. 48588.33 2.06 PL
7 6 6 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 111550.97 26.10 -13.39
8 7 7 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 45237.26 24.94 -7.31
9 8 8 Rajesh Exports Ltd. 20200.00 -6.35 2.08
10 9 9 Tata Steel Ltd. 45758.52 15.42 -23.94
11 10 10 Coal India Ltd. 126223.50 14.04 148.09
In [ ]:
df5_md = df5.to_markdown()
In [41]:
|    |   Rank2019 |   Rank2018 |  Company Name                        |    Market Cap  (Rs. Cr) |    Revenue  Change% |  PAT  Change%   |
|  2 |          1 |          2 | Reliance Industries Ltd.             |                949280   |               43.36 | 9.74            |
|  3 |          2 |          1 | Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.          |                125768   |               24.99 | -21.69          |
|  4 |          3 |          3 | Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. |                172136   |               29.97 | 37.95           |
|  5 |          4 |          4 | State Bank of India                  |                290141   |                7.88 | LP              |
|  6 |          5 |          5 | Tata Motors Ltd.                     |                 48588.3 |                2.06 | PL              |
|  7 |          6 |          6 | Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.    |                111551   |               26.1  | -13.39          |
|  8 |          7 |          7 | Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. |                 45237.3 |               24.94 | -7.31           |
|  9 |          8 |          8 | Rajesh Exports Ltd.                  |                 20200   |               -6.35 | 2.08            |
| 10 |          9 |          9 | Tata Steel Ltd.                      |                 45758.5 |               15.42 | -23.94          |
| 11 |         10 |         10 | Coal India Ltd.                      |                126224   |               14.04 | 148.09          |

So we got the table we wanted

It may be done in more efficient ways, but this is my first such attempt on my own.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Learning Python

Learning Python

I started by journey of learning Python from Eric Matthes. The name of the book is Python Crash Course. It give me the necessary start. I was stuck and asked him a query. He responded immediately.
Later I found Python Data Science Handbook very useful. It is written by Jake VanderPlas.
To learn pandas, I bought a book by Daniel Y. Chen. The name of the book is Pandas for Everyone.
Recently I found the articles by Kimberley Fessel to be very useful. I learned about her excellent articles through a padcast. If I am not mistaken I heard Daniel Y. Chen on the same podcast channel.
All of the above are very well-know. But still I hope this information helps.