Showing posts with label Finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finance. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Trillion and Indian Mutual Fund Industry

A Trillion and Indian Mutual Fund Industry 

Lately the word trillion has come in conversations in India. 

Indians are used to writing numbers in lakhs and crores. A lakh is a hundred thousand. A crore is hundred hundred thousand. In the west the numbers are written in sets of three zeros such as a thousand or a million. A trillion has 12 zeros. 

A trillion rupees in Indian way of counting is Rs 1 Lakh Crore. 

How big is this amount?

Let us put it in perspective by looking at Indian mutual find industry. 

Each of the top 9 mutual fund houses, has assets under management (AUM) in excess of 1 trillion indian rupees. 

Incidentally the top 10 mutual fund houses account for 80% of the AUM of the entire mutual fund industry. 

The total AUM of all the mutual fund houses is 25 trillion Indian rupees in September 2019. 

If I compare this number with Indian GDP, which was USD 2.6 trillion in 2017, it is less than 15%. 

Worldwide the average ratio of AUM with GDP is 13.62%. The ratio of AUM with GDP for USA is 100% plus. 

The future
Indian AUM of mutual funds is expected to grow to 100 trillion rupees by 2025. It is indeed a great news! 

The future for the Indian mutual fund Industry is definitely bright.